* People with a body mass index between 35-40 and obesity-related diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, Type 2 diabetes, infertility, hypertension, sleep apnea
* Patients with a body mass index over 40
* Patients who cannot lose weight with methods such as medical nutrition, exercise and medical treatment for one year
* Non-addicted people
* People who do not have a health condition that prevents surgery Obesity surgery is applied to.
Gastric botox is an endoscopic procedure that aims to reduce appetite and hunger. Gastric botox application is a weight loss method based on the principle of injecting botulinum toxin into certain areas of the stomach endoscopically.
In gastric botox, an endoscopy procedure is applied with light anesthesia. This procedure is not a surgery and takes 15-20 minutes.
See obesity not as an aesthetic problem but as the responsible for many diseases!
Obesity is a disorder that is increasingly seen in all age groups. Obesity-related deaths continue to increase every year.
The main diseases caused by obesity:
* Diabetes
* Cardiovascular diseases
* High cholesterol and triglyceride levels
* Hypertension
* Fatty liver
* Gallbladder diseases
* Some types of cancer
* Difficulty breathing and asthma
* Sleep apnea
* Joint disorders
- Depression